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Indigenous Digital Equity Series

The digital world is evolving rapidly. This progress can support First Nations' rights, shape the future of technology, and enhance the lives of our peoples and communities - but only if we can participate equally.

Empowering Communities With Actionable Insights

Our Indigenous Digital Equity Series empowers First Nations communities in British Columbia with the knowledge and resources they need to achieve digital equity and self-determination in the digital age.

Published bi-annually, our reports offer in-depth research findings, practical toolkits, and other valuable resources on critical topics relevant to digital equity. Each report delves into a specific area of concern identified through collaboration with our partners and communities.

A Practical, Hands-on Approach

Actionable: The research directly translates into practical guidance and tools that First Nations communities can readily implement to address digital equity challenges.

Accessible: Reports are presented concisely with cultural sensitivity, ensuring the information is easily understood and applicable.

Community-driven: The research process actively involves and reflects Indigenous communities in the findings.

Insightful: The reports provide a deeper understanding of the digital landscape and the challenges and opportunities faced by First Nations communities.

Evidence-based: IDES research utilizes data-driven findings to allow First Nations to advocate for policy changes and secure the necessary resources for digital equity.

The Indigenous Digital Equity Series is a cornerstone of our commitment to knowledge translation and community empowerment. Through this initiative, we strive to bridge the gap between research and action, equipping First Nations communities with the knowledge and tools needed to thrive in the digital age.

Coming Soon! 

Report #1: BC First Nations Community Connectivity

Exploring the current state of digital equity in First Nations across British Columbia, our first report highlights the challenges and opportunities in achieving universal high-speed internet access. This report delves into the impacts of economic growth, education, and community development, outlining the ongoing efforts and necessary steps to bridge the digital divide.

Report #2: Affordability and the Digital Equity Gap

The next report will launch in late 2024 and examine the barriers to affordable internet services and devices for First Nations in British Columbia. Subscribe to our newsletter below to be notified when this report is published.
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