Kinship Career Summit November 7
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Labour Market Studies

Our labour market studies aim to empower Indigenous Peoples by addressing the unique needs and opportunities within the tech sector. By bridging gaps in labour market intelligence, we provide actionable insights and recommendations that drive Indigenous inclusion and leadership in the digital economy.

BC Indigenous Leadership in Technology

As British Columbia’s digital economy rapidly expands, few labour market tools address the needs of Indigenous communities. Our research bridges this gap, empowering Indigenous Peoples to access technology opportunities.

A Ground-Breaking Labour Market Study

Our first labour market study explores the current state of Indigenous leadership in technology across British Columbia, reflecting both Indigenous and industry perspectives. Guided by Indigenous knowledge, values, and ways of being, this project honours the stories and wisdom of our people and communities.


  • BC First Nations leadership
  • Indigenous Peoples in BC, including youth and Elders
  • Key partners from education, tech, recruitment, research sectors, and more
View the Report

BC's Booming Tech Sector

Growth: The tech sector in BC is expanding by 6.6% per year - more than double the national average.

BC Tech Jobs

Employment: Over 123,000 jobs in BC tech, but Indigenous Peoples hold less than 1%.

Pervasive Technology: Technology impacts every aspect of life, including work, education, culture, health, environmental stewardship, and rights implementation.

First Nations Technology

Leadership: We envision a future where Indigenous Peoples and communities claim our space in the digital age by designing and stewarding technology to renew and strengthen our cultures, lands, languages, and ways of being for future generations.

Filling Gaps in Labour Market Data

Our research fills critical gaps by gathering unprecedented, regionally specific data. It prioritizes Indigenous rights and recommends actions for industry and governments to advance reconciliation, potentially transforming BC's tech landscape:


Indigenous communities must decide their own opportunities and priorities in tech.

digital equity technology

Digital Equity

Digital equity encompasses more than access to the internet and computers; it includes influencing the future of tech and integrating Indigenous values and knowledge.

root cause approach

Root Cause Approach

Address systemic, interpersonal, and workplace barriers created by colonialism.

This research provides actionable insights that, if adopted, will significantly impact the future of technology in BC.

Alberta Indigenous Tech Leadership

We are currently researching Indigenous inclusion and leadership in Alberta. Alberta Indigenous Tech Leadership focuses on Indigenous leadership in technology within the province's expanding digital economy. Building on the success of our BC study, this research aims to identify specific needs and opportunities for Indigenous communities in Alberta. By collecting regionally-specific data, we aim to empower Indigenous Peoples in Alberta to take on leadership roles in the tech sector, inform employers about how they can include Indigenous people in the sector's growth, and bridge existing gaps in labour market intelligence.
