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Moving Beyond Inclusion

Bringing Into Balance: The Role of the Individual in Truth & Reconciliation

Next Cohort: Summer 2024 | Online

Start engaging in meaningful Truth & Reconciliation.

More and more individuals and companies are stepping into the work of Truth and Reconciliation but do not know where to start. We know that learning is core to dispelling a false narrative and truly addressing systemic barriers that have been and are maintained by colonialism. This has real implications for the experience of Indigenous Peoples in the workplace. But what do we do about it and how do we change it?

In our new course, Bringing Into Balance: The Role of the Individual in Truth & Reconciliation, you have the opportunity to go on a journey and learn what meaningful allyship looks like and how you can incorporate it into your life and work. We start from the history of colonialization and demonstrate how colonial policies and values are ongoing and continue to impact Indigenous Peoples today. As a cohort, you will learn and discuss key concepts to move through the complex work of allyship and systems change. Watch a short interview below with the course developers to learn more.
This course was created in partnership with Chastity Davis-Alphonse, founder of Deyen, an award-winning platform that focuses on building knowledge and capacities for both Indigenous and non-Indigenous individuals, organizations, communities, and governments. Deyen is the Tsilhqot'in word for "person with the power to transform.” It is believed by some Tsilhqot’in Knowledge Keepers that everyone is a Deyen. It is just a matter of taking the time to uncover the Deyen inside of you.

Discover the systems we live and operate in, and how to make the invisible, visible to create change.

Colonial systems and values are all around us – as poet Guante & Katrah-Quey shares “white supremacy is not a shark; it is the water.” This means that it is all around us and not one issue that we can pinpoint and solve. A single solution to changing these complex systems to create justice and equity does not exist but rather, long-term, interrelated changes are needed. With so much to address, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. This course will help increase your understanding of the relationship between settler colonialism, digital inequity, and exclusion of Indigenous Peoples in technology and technology-enabled companies across four modules:

Module 1:


You'll learn about major moments in the history of what is now called Canada that have ongoing impacts on Indigenous and non-Indigenous Peoples.

Module 2:

Policy and Activism

You'll learn about key policy documents, activism, Indigenous resistance, and reconciliation through movements like UNDRIP, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, and Section 35 of the Constitution Act.

Module 3:

Colonial Ways of Knowing

We'll explore how systems of white supremacy, which influence all of us, can be visible at times, but also invisible when it suits the status quo.

Module 4:

Allyship, Understanding and the Path Forward

You'll be exposed to concepts on allyship, as well as learning how to create safe spaces and avoid microaggressions in the workplace.

Reserve your seat today. Space is limited.

This is a 10-hour, asynchronous course with two live facilitated sessions. In your cohort, you will hear from speakers, view informational slides, and complete interactive activities. The next cohort will start in Summer 2024 (dates TBA).
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Good to Know

How can I get in touch?

Contact Shay Boechler, Director of Career Pathways, at industry@technologycouncil.ca.

What are the course outcomes?

Some of the course outcomes include:

  • A better understanding of key events in history that have led to the ongoing experiences of Indigenous Peoples in Canada: residential schools, Indian hospitals, the 60s scoop, the Indian Act, and the Potlatch ban.
  • A better understanding of policy and the role it plays in elevating the recognition for Indigenous Peoples rights including the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, and Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada Calls To Action.
  • Be able to identify how your position in society can change the way you navigate this work and be able to articulate key takeaways for your own reconciliation process.
  • Be able to articulate the role of power dynamics and how it relates to privilege.
  • A better understanding of the impact of inequity in the tech sector.
  • Be able to identify colonial ways of knowing and how they manifest in the tech sector, and how we can bring them into balance with Indigenous ways of knowing and being.
  • A better understanding of what is means to be a good ally, how to create safe and welcoming work environments for Indigenous Peoples in the tech sector, and the responsibilities the tech sector has in order to engage in meaningful reconciliation.
Who is this course for?

This course was created for all non-Indigenous people working at technology and technology-enabled companies. Specifically, we envision this supporting the work of recruitment professionals, hiring managers, and human resources (HR) and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) leaders.

When and where is this course happening?

This 10-hour course is happening from November 15 - February 7 online. Although the course is asynchronous, there will be two live facilitated sessions on December 11, 2023, and January 29, 2024.

Do you offer other courses for technology and technology-enabled companies?

This is our first-ever corporate training program for the tech sector, which was created following a multi-year pilot program within the industry. Our team continues to work behind the scenes on ways to advance reconciliation by changing corporate cultures which includes additional programs.