Full-time, Monday to Friday
Learners will be taught the techniques and tools used by UX Designers, including user research, design thinking, wireframes, interactive prototyping, and more, and then complete real-world projects to add to your portfolio.
This course is delivered by a trusted partner, meaning that it is not taught by our instructors. Applicants to this course will complete the same application form and are eligible to receive the same supports as other courses. Learn more about this course on our partner's website here.
UX Design Diploma (Bootcamp) or Certificate (Course)
Approximately 14,300 people work in this field in BC, earning between $19.05 and $50.00 per hour.
This course is funded for Indigenous Peoples ages 18+ living in BC.
Equipment and technology required for this course is provided.
Our caring staff are always available for 1:1 meetings.
Learners are eligible to apply for funding to cover some living expenses.
Visit our FAQ page or contact us.